Western Tydens, a specialist exhaust supplier with a UK based manufacturing facility, are pleased to announce they have joined the Association of Manufacturers and suppliers of Power Generating Systems (AMPS).
Currently assisting many AMPS members, Western Tydens along with our sister company Wyndham Page (specialising in diesel engine overspeed shutdown valves), looks forward to forging strong partnerships with fellow AMPS colleagues.
Western Tydens, best known for our ATEX certified Spark Arrestors, are proud to introduce our NEW NT range of Spark Arrestors , to complement our experience and expertise in Exhaust Purifiers, Cleaners, Diesel Particulate Filters, Silencers and all the associated fitting Accessories and Pipe Work.
The NEW NT range of Spark Arrestors is designed especially to meet the requirements of the latest generations of low emission diesel engines (NRMM stage III A / B, stage IV and V; equivalent US Tier 3 & 4 : Euro 5 and 6 and other harmonised standards) and engines fitted with exhaust treatment devices such as DOC (catalysts) DPF (particulate filters) and SCR (NOX abatement)
This new range has much lower system flow resistance than conventional spark arrester designs, enabling them to achieve the low back pressure requirements of high gas flow engines. (At optimum flow rates back pressure is approximately half that of other equivalent models) This smoother, less turbulent internal gas flow reduces the secondary noise regeneration often associated with spark arrestors making them much quieter across the power range.
We also specialise in bespoke manufacturing; one offs and small batch quantities. All products by Western Tydens are made in the UK.